Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Memories From Back in the Day...

Thanks David


  1. brought back a flood of memories...

    LOL - capital Q

  2. Yes, cursive writing will indeed be like pig latin is to a 1st grader. It is already indecipherable to that idiot Amber who testified in the George Zimmerman trial, and admitted she couldn't read cursive.

  3. That one's making the rounds, but it's a good one.

    The Blonde's nephews even agree our stuff was better than theirs.

  4. GOODSTUFF, that's what I thought when I saw it.

  5. edutcher, it comes from not letting kids be kids.

  6. Two notes:

    1) The pencil is obviously an I/O device. The computer used to live in our brains.

    2) I loved fried bologna. That was the best way to eat it.

  7. Those old lawn mowers were great----they seldom if ever broke down. And man they were quiet!

  8. Euripides, I don't think I've every had fried bologna.

  9. Ron, and you didn't dare let your lawn get too long.

  10. Don't try it!!!!! It's much better at, say, age 16 than at our age. Actually, the thought of eating bologna makes me a bit queasy inside.

    Oh, and yay for Firefly!

  11. Yea, if grass got too talk it was time for the old trusty sling blade!

  12. Euripides, Damn I just bought ten pounds of it for our next neighborhood barbecue.

  13. Ron, you could go to war with one of those things.


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