Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Guns And Other Liberal Fodder II

Thanks Facebook Buddies


  1. Yep, you nailed these Odie. People have gone over the edge.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  2. Wow! The Navy poser (think: someone in disquise, a pretender) right next to a USSS Protectee, a former FLOTUS, a U.S. Senator, (Ret.), A former Sec. of State, (Ret.) (albeit the worst of each title ever), and the Secret Service allows this cheap charade to happen. Stolen Valor anyone? I am betting that at least one of the Secret Service Agents has taken the oath to protect and defend the constitution. At least one of them has worn the military uniform of this nation. And yet, this obvious insult to our military heros goes unchecked? My guess is the guy just behind Hitlery, and to the left of the faux navy guy is an agent. VERT DA FURK OVER?!!! The fact that this gripe will never see the light of day! SPEECHLESS!! And check out that evil bitch's big ole sh!t eating grin! DETESTABLE WRETCH!

  3. That first one was taken after 4 years of captivity.

    Those were the lucky ones because, if given the chance, their captors would have shot them, scuttled the ship they were on, anything.

    And, yeah, the Nips got off lucky.

  4. I'm still waiting for an apology from my neighbors who voted for Obama. I might be waiting a while.

  5. Sandee, problem is they won't say there.

  6. Gleason, Wow way to go. Did you have enough room? I like your style, so don't be a stranger.

  7. edutcher, you're right because we only leveled two cities.

  8. Grunt, I feel your pain. What is it about these people that can't see what's going on?

  9. Once again, truth in memes comes to the forefront. My favorite is the last one, as it is 100% accurate. To be fair, there were US degenerates mixed in with the Mexicans at the protests.

  10. Euripides, degenerates come from all over. I think we have plenty of our own that we need not import them though.


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