Monday, May 9, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXXVIII


  1. Those jumping cats are quite the act, eh Odie? Of course, I would say that as a cat guy.

  2. Awww and bwahahahahahaha. I think my favorite one is the little guy that stole the big dogs bed.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  3. Fredd, I might hire them again in the future.

  4. Sandee, I forgot the "Awww Monday" link ... shoot! That is one tough kid, huh.

  5. WTH??? Nobody felt sorry for the guy with the fish ripping the hell out of his nipple? Remind me never to go skinny-dipping around THOSE fish.

  6. Grunterlicious, That asshole fish was hired by my readers and I take no responsibility for their choice. I warned them of that fishes quirks but they just kept chanting "Get Grunt Get Grunt". Sorry Dude.

  7. always a few smiles and hearty laughs when I stop here. You sure make Monday's happy! Enjoy the week!

  8. Every gif just made my day even more better than before, thank you ^^

  9. Annesphamily, smiles are what I specialize in.

  10. Riih Pu, I'm so happy you enjoyed it!


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