Monday, April 25, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXXVI

Happy Spring Flower sniffers!!! 

It's rare to find an individual who doesn't like flowers, and from these pictures, apparently the same can be said for animals! View foxes, kittens and even an owl enjoying their sweet scents in this heart warming photo series:




  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. One of the best Awww Monday posts ever.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. Sandee, you don't think it was too soft and frilly like?

  3. As a long time animal watcher, I've seen it myself. It's always sweet to see.

  4. Cube, I remember my dogs and cats doing it.

  5. This post totally triggers my anger issues. All I can think of is all my tulips I never got to see this year because the local mule deer ate all of them while I was on travel! I know the critters in those photos are just smelling the flowers before eating them. Curse you woodland critters! Thanks for nothing, Odie!!! LOL!

  6. Ah aren't they precious, well not the rat snorting the poppy, but the rest are cute.

  7. Animals and Flower combos always looks beautiful <3 The white tiger one is just so adorable!!

  8. Grunt, At my house it was Ground Squirrels and Voles what ate my 300 Tulips. "Was on Travel"? Is there a British accent that goes with that?

  9. Pu Niao, That white Tiger is quite nice all right.

  10. I love these photos! Thanks for sharing them- have a great week!

  11. AWWWW. See, this makes me reconsider my initial notion that you're just a dirty old man... but then I reconsider that you're just using cute animal/flower pic to fool us ladies. I'd bet on the latter.


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