Monday, April 18, 2016

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style XXXXV

Kathy carries Smith & Wesson with her when 
she goes to the ATM. She has NEVER had any problems. 
Smith is on the left, Wesson on the right.

Thanks Dan 


  1. I love this and Awww too. No one is going to bother her. No one.

    Have a terrific Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. Our Yorkie Treasure always watched for cross traffic.

  3. no indeed..... she is in good company! Excellent post!

  4. edutcher, did he moonlight as a bodyguard too.

  5. Kathe W, NOBODY messing with that girl.

  6. That is too funny! I love it! Thanks for making me smile today.

  7. Love it. "Don't mess with our master."

  8. I'm loving her Smith & Wesson. I love mine as well... and they aren't dogs, but it's all good.

  9. Annesphamily, getting you to smile is my job.

  10. Lady knows what she is doing. I notice she has "quick release" clips on the leashes.


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