Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The Wet Floor

Two deputies call the station on the radio.

"Station, is that you, Sergeant?"

"Yes.  Go ahead."

"We have a case here, Sergeant.   A woman has shot 
her husband for stepping on the
floor she'd just mopped clean."

"OK.  Well, have you arrested her?"

"No sir . . . the floor's still wet."


When a male bird can't stand it anymore!


So, I figured maybe I need a five year plan.

I tried to envision where I want to 
be in five years, but I just can't.

I don't have 2020 vision.

ta daaah!

Thanks Hal and Dan


  1. The bird clamping down on the other's beak reminds me of Archie Bunker telling poor Edith to "stifle". Funny post (as always). Happy St. Paddy's Day to one and all because today we're all Irish and wearin' the green. Meanwhile, jihadis are dressing in drag. Hmmmm...

    1. If you're Homosexual in New York you're in drag too.

  2. I grew up with a neighbor lady who was a housecleaning freak. She used to scrub her kitchen floor every week and then put newspaper down so no one could walk on the clean floor. Huh?

    I only get pissed when hubby walks on the newly mopped wet floor and leaves tracks. I would, however, take him outside before shooting him so as to not make a mess in the house.

    1. Doesn't news print come off on a wet floor ... RUN HUBBY RUN!

  3. There's two cops that's not going to take any chances. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Now I'll be thinking about Archie Bunker all day.

    Have a fabulous St. Patrick's Day Odie. ☺

  4. There is a physical theorem in the universe that goes like this... the traipsing over a clean floor with dirty shoes is INVERSELY related to the cleaning of said floor.

    Happy St. Patty's Day to you and yours.

  5. I like the bird one. Reminds me of my boyhood when I set mouse traps on fence post to catch the little noisy critters.

  6. No, it's Cubenstein's Theorem ;)


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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