Monday, March 2, 2015

By Design . . . . . .


Thanks Hal


  1. Yep, this is spot on. Spot on. It's a shame many have turned into mindless idiots.

    Have a fabulous day Odie. ☺

  2. I think the first gives him way too much credit. If he's destroying anything, it's the Left.

    The second is right on.

    And Hanging's too good for 'em.

    1. Edutcher, oh he had help alright. I have to agree about the two traitors.

  3. If he did this by his own design, which I find hard to fathom, we are in grave danger. Those that bought him have a way different agenda than true Americans.
    As for the two on the bottom, nothing has happened to them, or saddly is likely too.
    There is no fire in the breast of those who need to standup for our country. Been too easy too long.

    1. Brighid, you're right he had a lot of help. He has surrounded himself with academia and they're trying shape this country into their communist mold. Only 8% of the people he surrounded himself with ever had a private sector job.

      The two underneath are products of the sixties, as is most of that party now.

  4. Why would Obama want to fundamentally transform the nation he claims to love? His actions are not those of a patriot.


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