Thursday, March 7, 2013

Once Is Never Enough

Thanks David !

Hi Ladies and Gentlemen, I've been busy
with baby sitting duty. Our Daughter in Law
has a bum arm, so we've been watching the
little guy EVERY day my son works. So I
haven't been able to visit you's guys as
much as I'd like.


  1. If at first you don't succeed...

    I hope the babysitting is going well and everyone feels better!

  2. The poor guy had to endure 72 times.

    We're all hanging in there, thanks.

  3. so we've been watching the
    little guy EVERY day my son works

    And I know what horrible torture that is for you, proud grandpa. ;-)

  4. Wow. Just WOW. I believe I have heard everything now.

    How would you ever convince your wife to allow this? This Maus guy needs to be selling junk bonds or cars. He would make a fortune.

    "I don't like this anymore than you", Yeah, right.

  5. Funny about the other guy's marriage, though.

    Have these people ever heard of a sperm bank?

  6. Your a good grandpa hope evryone is all better soon :)

  7. It's all about being a good neighbor. Bwahahahahahahaha.

    Have a terrific day and enjoy that grandson. ☺

  8. Adrienne, We're old and have our own needs. Yes, it is rewarding, but I'm plumb tuckered out.

  9. Admiral, truth be known ... only 72 times?

  10. Opie, the deposits are rewarding, but the withdrawals are . . .

  11. 2T2, I hope so too. I've got shop time that needs doin'.

  12. Sandee, I'm all in favor of being "neighborly".

    Grandson is being all smiles today.

  13. Can't blame the guy, he did give it a good shot although he was shooting blanks.

  14. And, if you saw that in soap opera plot, you'd say, "Not in a million years...".

  15. Edutcher, now you're talking. That's long enough.

  16. Hope your DIL gets better soon. We got the grandkids tomorrow but not every day by any means. Rest up and make sure your wife is well caffeinated.

  17. Sorry folks, apparently this is a rehash of a 1978 hoax from “Jet Magazine" July 27 1978, Vol. 54, number 19. The photo is of a Mexican beauty queen, Laura Zúñiga, who was arrested with drug traffickers in 2008. Charges were later dropped.

    Drop by and say Ola on her Facebook page.

  18. I'm sure the guy enjoyed every minute of it.

    Hope the grandpa has a great time taking care of the little one. Hope your daughter-in-law heals real soon.

  19. Teresa, were all doing better. They say 72 is never enough.


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