Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I Can Relate !

 Florida Retirement RV
 Practicing to be nudist
 Finders Keepers
 Enjoying My Retirement
Thanks David !


  1. The guy holding the bikini top should slip it on. It would fit perfectly...

  2. I hate to admit this Odie, but I can relate too. Bwahahahahahahaha. The last one? I'm glad the photographer was on the backside too.

    Have a terrific day. ☺

  3. Sandee, makes you want to nude sunbath on that boat, huh.

  4. Cube, oh no, it wasn't my intention to hurt anyone's eyes with my beauty.

  5. I'll bet Mrs Odie was mad when she saw you kissing that young chick on the beach.

  6. Edutcher. I still haven't heard the end of that one.

  7. Where did you get that picture of my grandma and grandpa? Oops that me and mine.

  8. I think that I need to get one of those nudist suits...?

  9. Ron, you're famous because they're all over the internet.

  10. LL, they're all the rage this year. The great part is you never really know if you're wearing it.

  11. Let's see....I'll put Mr. AOW's scooter into the trunk of the Crown Vic and hook the trailer to the back of the Crown Vic. Yeah, that'll work!

    As for the nude beach, well, Mr. AOW and I will spare spectators of sights that might scare them forever.

  12. AOW, where's your spirit of adventure?

  13. Looks like the lady in the nudist suit had some of the lint fall out of her bellybutton, but then she caught it again. Not sure I want to know how though...

  14. Velcro, you're just too deep into details.

  15. My scooter trailer has a huge beer cooler!


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