Wednesday, January 16, 2013

If You Need A Reason To Smile Today III

Thanks Dan !


  1. Awww, thanks Odie. I so needed a reason to smile today. :D

  2. Weird, I have smiled everyday this week...

  3. Admiral, they give you loyalty and love.

  4. More smiles! Thanks Odie :) I agree with Randy-g... smiles everyday :)

  5. That last one make me pause and take notice. Unconditional love and then some. We have our Little Bit and we know all too well how faithful they are.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  6. Awww, so sweet. Amusing Bunni will love this post!

  7. Doubletroubletwo, That's a good thing huh.

  8. No better friend than a loyal dog--None! My wife spent just one day at the hospice center, her last day and her little dog stayed on the bed the entire time.

  9. Any time either of lays down, the pups are right there.

    And, no, it's not just to take a nap.

  10. Sorry I am late tonight Odie. I was taking care of my critters all day.

    Then Walmart threatened to sue me for taking pictures. They thought I was a's been a day and a half!

    Yoy always make me smile and I too paused at the last picture. I love my animals and they are so so good to me.

    They are much better to me than I to them. They do love no matter what. Of course, Mollipop can be a little persnickety and get mad. But she gets over it quick enough.

    Thanks for the smiles! ♥

  11. Edutcher, I think I'll not ask any questions.

  12. Jackie, you know you're going to have to fill us in on the WalMart story.

  13. No, The Blonde's mother lived with us 3 years as she died of Alzheimer's.

    The dogs got very good at assessing her condition and warned us if her vitals changed.

    They do the same for us.

    Hopefully, the dementia isn't noticeable yet.

  14. Edutcher, sorry I noticed it right away.


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