Tuesday, January 15, 2013

If You Need A Reason To Smile Today II

 I hate it when she beats me there.
Quiet Please
 Mine !!!!
I was just sitting here and ...
You're smiling aren't you.

Thanks Dan!


  1. Love that first photo!

    Back when I was a kid, we had a Dalmatian named Tina. She was such a sweet dog that she would have given up her bed to a kitten. We had only barn cats at the time, and Tina loved them dearly.

  2. Of course I'm smiling. You knew I would too.

    Have a terrific day filled with many smiles. :)

  3. The last picture: 'Therapy' and 'dog' are synonymous.

  4. The first picture reminds me of a few months ago when Erica curled up in Frankie's bed. He was as nonplussed as we were and just sat around looking confused. It's one little way for kittehs to remind the doggies of who's really in charge.

    And right now, I have Erica purring and pacing on my desk, rubbing on my keyboard, grabbing at my hands, but, thank goodness, not drooling in my coffee cup.

  5. Nothing like a little boy and his dog. Certainly brings back memories of long ago.

  6. I am not normally sappy but the story around the boy and his dog (Lucas Hembree and Juno) is heart-breaking - or will be one day far too soon. Google them, but be prepared to go all weepy.

  7. Looks like my old shepherd "Red". There is nothing like the love of a dog and his boy.

  8. AOW, the term "Fighting like cats and dogs" does not apply.

  9. Adrienne, sorry about your coffee not getting that special sweetener.

  10. Knucklehead, We'll look into it, Thanks.

  11. I am smiling big time!! Way to go Odie..by far the best post I've seen today!!

  12. Love it Odie thank you :)


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