Sunday, December 2, 2012

Old Ads From Before P C

Thanks Dan !


  1. A hoover on Christmas morning? Aint gonna happen here...I hate black eyes!

  2. They still have gay cruises, I think Elmo is the special guest...

  3. I don't mind getting a labor-saving device for Christmas.

    In fact, I love the rice cooker that Mr. AOW got me for my 60th birthday.

    But a vacuum cleaner! Nope. Buy me a gift certificate for a maid service instead!

  4. Randy, it can get really lonely at night too.

  5. AOW, Mrs. Woodsterman got ME a steam mop for the kitchen floor last Christmas. She expects me to use it too.

  6. Admiral, It was a more innocent and honest time.

  7. Glad I found out about THAT beforehand! I think I'll book on another cruise line.

  8. Bwahahahahahaha. Times have changed indeed. Bless their hearts.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  9. I've been on one of those "old" gay cruises and I took my Gun. One is vorboten today and the other--well I'll have to pass. Let's have a good ole REVOLUTION!

  10. The good old days - when coke was made from coal and gay people were just happy and carefree.

    I do feel sorry for anybody born after the Korean War.

  11. Edutcher, that is about when it started changing.

  12. A Colt for Christmas? Now, THAT is a great gift!

  13. I don't know about where y'all are, but a Colt sounds like a good Christmas gift no matter the time period.

  14. Madhat, of course we're cool with that. It's the one that really makes sense.


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