Friday, December 28, 2012

Headlines Are Us ~ Your Modern MSM


  1. Yep, these idiots are everywhere. Yes they are.

    Have a terrific day Odie. :)

  2. Sandee, they were taught in the schools we pay for.

  3. I hope I live long enough to still be alive hours before I'm dead.

  4. Inno, if anyone can do it, I'll bet it's you.

  5. Brilliant! What would we do without these guys?

  6. And remember, they are sooo much smarter than us.

  7. I love headline bloopers. One of my favorites reported on improving "literarcy".

  8. No proof readers?

    AOW goes ballistic when she sees bloopers like these! She is a composition teacher, you know.

    I know that she hasn't seen this post yet because I haven't heard her ranting about these headlines!

  9. Those are great. The only flying bugs I've ever seen without wings ar those on the end of my fishing line.

  10. Mr., I pity da foo dats around her when she does read did.

  11. I had to read the Diana one several times...was trying to read the small print too.

  12. Damn!

    Those headlines had better not have been approved by ANY of my students!

  13. AOW, i guis it'd b time ta does a litta resurch.

  14. Oh my! Not sure whether I should laugh or cry. The people who approved those headlines should lose their jobs.


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