Thursday, August 25, 2011

This Just In . . . Earthquake Update

Reports of the devastation keep coming in.
The latest photo below:
BREAKING NEWS: President Obama has just confirmed that the DC earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as "Bush's Fault". Obama also announced that the Secret Service and Maxine Waters continues an investigation of the quake's suspicious ties to the Tea Party. Conservatives however have proven that it was caused by the founding fathers rolling over in their graves. (Stolen from a former student's email).

From Chuck S. by way of Allison (H/T)
Photo stolen from The War Planner (H/T)


  1. Glad it was only an earthquake - 'cuz at first I thought the chair might be like that from Michelle O trying to squeeze her ample fanny into it.

  2. Waters told us we can all go to heck.

    I just want to be wherever she's NOT.

  3. Odie, after all you have done for me, all I have (except for the lovely and talented Mrs. War Planner) is yours. This includes my treasured Tektronix 7704A, my AN/URM-25D, my Elecraft K-2 (serial number 999), my Icom IC-745, mu Kenwood R-599, and..

    ..well, I will be sending you my inventory list via e-mail. Just be sure you drive down in a U-Haul when you visit in December.

    Better make that a surplus Ralph's semi.

  4. ..oh, and let me add that I want you all to join with me in grieving for those on the East Coast whose losses run into the dozens of dollars and let's all offer up our hearts and prayers for those who almost lost their balance yesterday.

  5. Wasn't there a beer summit there?

    War planner has a kenwood R-599 too?

  6. innominatus, nOpe, this time it was the earthquake.

  7. Scooney, thank you sir, but I shamelessly stole this material and compiled it here.

  8. Opie, good idea, but I don't think it was "Heck".

  9. TWP, I've used a Tektronix, and I'm racking my brain as to what for. It was with the phone company, and it'll come to me by the time I get down there.

  10. TWP, "Almost lost their balance", cool (but heartless) Dude.

  11. Randy, you're right ... that might be leftovers from a pissed off president.

    The War Planner won't have it for long. He's giving it to me ... what the hell is it?

  12. Good stuff, Odie!

    But less you all think that this is a joke....obummer's minions are ALREADY using the DC earthquake as an excuse. See the Hannity interview of that stupid freak GHOULSBY! The moron actually said the recovery isn't working because of....blah blah blah, and the EARTHQUAKE!

  13. Bunni, did you know that Obama in English means "Excuses"?

  14. The Bush Fault Line is centered in DC but it's effect can be felt throughout the world.

  15. I hope someone called FEMA to come in and pick up that chair!

  16. Scott, it's been taken care of. I'll post the photo later.


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