Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Montana Bear Tragedy

This is a very sad story about a bear. Everybody should heed 
the warning to not feed wildlife because they become dependent 
and cannot forage for themselves anymore. This is such a 
tragedy to see what they have done to our country's wildlife! 
The photo below captures a disturbing trend that is beginning 
to affect U.S. wildlife. . . .
Animals that were formerly self-sufficient are now showing 
signs of belonging to the Democratic Party...... as they have
apparently learned to just sit on their ass and wait for the government 
to step in and provide for their care and sustenance.
This photo is of a Democrat black bear in Montana nicknamed: 
Bearock Bearama.

Thanks David !


  1. How many times did this bear vote?

  2. This is great and so very true. I'm glad you posted it, I got in an email the other day, but I've been busy.

    That bear looks so much nicer on Odie's Blog!
    barry should go for a photo op with the bear, or better yet, a whole bunch of hungry, angry ones ;-)

  3. I saw in the new Planet of the Apes movie that a Democratic Party scientist has a chemical that makes Democrats. Now this.

    Then there's the rumor that Obama wants to make all rats citizens so that they can vote for him in the next election.

    Don't they have any limits?

  4. LL, is this about rats and a sinking ship?

  5. Is there anything else that can be said? I think not.

  6. lmbooooooooooooooo will he EAT us all alive Woodsy?

  7. This bear is also registered to vote in Ohio! How in the heck did that happen, is he also eating ACORNs?

  8. Admiral, I think not because the takers are all sitting at the Dems table of goodies.

  9. WHT, it's Obama's plan to feed us to the bears.

  10. Ohio Mom, I wish he would eat the ACORNs.

  11. I must say, for a lazy liberal, the bear does have excellent posture.

  12. Inno, he's a new lib ... he'll get over it.

  13. Is this an American bear or did he cross the border illegally from Canada? Or did his parents cross the border so he would be an 'anchor' bear?

  14. Otis, I believe this is an anchor bear.

  15. He is clearly a well mannered Liberal bear. If he was one of those WV redneck black bears I know he would come up to you, beat you around the head, and take what he wanted from you. WV bears SURVIVE!

  16. Why aint that bear smiling? Did someone forget to say free cheese? :-)

  17. Yeah it's always the black bear who is civilized while the white polar bear is a hero. Typical racist conservative. lol

  18. Scott, they're better than the average bear!

  19. fuzzys dad, welcome and thank you sir.

  20. You really outdid yourself on this one Odie. I can't stop my "bleeding heart". Help these homeless bears. Bears have civil rights too...Cass Sunstein said so. We must do something. A Big Black Bear Bailout---that's the ticket! We must have new legislation--The Black Bear Recovery Act of 2011. We can spend billions on land for new dens. We must hire undocumented immigrants and native Americans to grow healthy organic bear food. I even wrote a new song for the cause---
    Little Beary Sat-or-ound all the live long day...
    Hoping for that change to come...
    Bama Rama, Bama Rama Day...
    OOOO that WAS bad--I'll keep trying.


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