Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Red Green and the Snow Blocker

I thought this was timely being that I fight
this same battle at my house. If you're new
here, these videos can be seen at my channel
on YouTube. There are about 40 of them there.


  1. I love Red Green. Amazing how much it can snow where you live.

  2. Ah yes Odie,,Leave it to you and Red Green for the best winter tips!

  3. Supi, sometimes you wonder if it will ever stop. The local economy really needs it, so give it to us!

  4. Christopher, there's bound to be more ... stay tuned.

  5. that red and green show is really funny. I have not seeen it in bonk ages though.
    This is a great idea. We should do this on our street. Those snow plow drivers here (mostly mexicans) do not know how to plow snow. We have houses on only one side of the street... and that is the side they dump all of the snow!?
    bonks and stay warm!

  6. Red Green is the best thing to ever come from Canada.

  7. Pierro, It's always my goal to keep warm.

  8. Trestin, I have to agree. I love those crazy videos.

  9. Great idea, how about one to tackle the threat of the road salt spreader from chucking a bucket load of it into your eye as they pass?

  10. Banned, I'll ask Red to work on that for you.

  11. Odie - somehow I pegged you as a Red Green kind of guy. Not sure why....

    That show spoke to all men everywhere.

  12. Euripides, it definitely spoke to me ... why is that?

  13. Odie, Liked the video!Psst! You can shovel some of your snow this way :)

  14. Stopsign, I use the big Honda in the sky.


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