Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas From Snow Country

Woodsterman and his, wish all of you and yours
a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

Now enjoy this, my favorite Christmas video ...


  1. Merry Christmas. Your video is one of my favorites too. Bailey is having so much fun running through the snow.

  2. Supi, Merry Christmas ... he's a keeper!

  3. Reminds me of my own Bailey when she was younger, Riley has now taken over the entertainment and Bailey looks at her as though she is nuts,,lol. Thanks for posting!

    Odie, may you and yours have a very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

  4. Loved the video! My son would have a ball in that much snow, although it looks like I may would lose him in some of the snow drifts.

    Merry~Christmas Odie,Hope you have a Good one and it's been a Pleasure for me, Reading your blogs .

  5. Stopsign, a very Merry Christmas to you also. Your artwork is on display for everyone to enjoy.

  6. Merry Christmas, Odie - to you and your family (Bailey, too!)

  7. Merry Christmas, Odie, have a good one, mate, and a very Happy New Year to you and yours.

    Spidey ;-)

  8. Merry Christmas, Odie. My family watched this video tonight and thoroughly enjoyed it. Have a wonderful, happy & healthy 2011.
    Here's a big HUG from me.

  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Odie..

  10. Adrienne, Merry Christmas to you and yours as well.

  11. Spidey, And a very Merry Christmas to you as well ... Mate!

  12. Lady, Merry Christmas and thanks for the hug ... and right back at you.

  13. Soloman, Merry Christmas and enjoy the day!

  14. Rightly, hi and have a very Merry Christmas.

  15. I love that little guy. Amazing what he did. Merry Christmas.

  16. ..Odie! Thanks for this. It reminded me of my dog Duffy -- a wire hair fox terrier who loved to cavort in the snow drifts during our childhood in Alexandria, Virginia back in the 50s. One year we had a storm of the likes depicted and Duffy went marauding through the mounds of fluffy snow until we couldn't see him -- nor his "gopher trails" -- any more.

    I was ordered out by by mom and dad to locate and revive him which I did after digging through a perilously deep crevasse.

    We hauled him back in, dried him off, and refused to let him out again until the weather and the snow became more manageable.

    Merry Christmas (belated) to you and your assemblage!


  17. TWP, great story. When I first lived here we had a dog named Hannibal. He used to follow us for about twenty miles while we were riding snowmobiles.


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