Friday, June 11, 2010

Punk Rockers Get Old Too ...


  1. Ha ha - wrinkly body art - love that image!

    The funniest thing is that the twenty-somethings generation are far less rebellious than the forty-, fifty- and sixty- somethings were in our younger days ...... they're going to have a hard time with us when we old and cantankerous!!!

  2. Lady, now that's an image isn't it ... wrinkly body art.

  3. My mom loved rap music. She played it all the time in the nursing home. Bug spray products could only dream of bugs fleeing as fast as other patients fled their rooms when she hit the on-button to her radio.

  4. Supi, So what you're saying is she had failing hearing, right?

  5. "Woody",

    As you implied over on my site: this is getting scary. I think it and you write it!

    Young women unclear on the concept of a life after their 40s (hell, for many after their 30s), or with children or grandchildren, running around looking like old, rain-soaked, faded ditto-masters.

    (Now, that's an anachronism that types us, right? Remember getting the mimeographed tests in school and attempting a high by sniffing them?)

    Down here in SoCal, all the young nubile wenches of my day who spent countless hours lying out in the sun now look like old Wilson footballs.

    It ain't pretty, I'm tellin' ya, it ain't pretty.

  6. TWP, Were going to have to email sometime away from other eyes. I grew up in what is now called SoCal. I lived the first half of my life near the beach and the second here in the mountains. Hell, I surfed just about every beach down there during my almost 20 years surfing. Yes I see a dermatologist twice a year now for my trouble.

  7. Yeah, her hearing was gone, but I missed the mind that she had once more.

  8. There's nothing sexier than a 90-year-old with a nose ring. Not that I'd know ... cause ... I'm an oil spill? 'Kay. Bye!

  9. "Grandma, why do you have a picture of a prune on your arm?"

    "Dear, that's a plum."


    Then there are the ones that go the other direction, and a little strawberry tattoo on the ankle turns into an apple.

    As for golden oldies, the first time I felt old was when I heard Van Halen on a "classic rock" station.

  10. Happily I have no fading tattoos to remember my youth as a London punk rocker though I do still have a couple of studded belts and a few old T-shirts, and the music, natch.

  11. Ah yes Sonia, minds do go with age. Mine is gone already.

  12. Mr. Spill, even with a nose ring, everyone can smell you coming.

  13. Bastiatarian, I had a tattoo of a pea and now it's a watermelon.

  14. I'm older than that and never had any punk, Banned.

  15. Ha, ha, maxine is funny.
    I don't have any tats, so I will avoid the wrinkly body art, thank goodness.

  16. Oh Bunni, where's your spirit of adventure ?


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