Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Call Me Senator .... Yes Ma'am


  1. Absolutely marvy! I wonder if they'll do the part where the MPs hold Nicholson back and he utters the comment about "skull-f**king.."

    I'd love to see Babs "Box-o-Rox" Boxer respond to that!

  2. TWP, there you go ... something to work on in your spare time.

  3. nicely done, and I agree with TWP....he need some skull f ing

    by the way, did you get some new glasses, don't recall the added features.

  4. Nicely put together, pompus witch.

  5. She's such a hag, she'd going to be voted out soon!
    Then we can call her LOSER.
    (she is one now, know).

  6. Right, Skull f***ing it is then. Oh ye of poor observation, those glasses have always contained that beauty. That and the head band are my charm ... "A patriotic, dirty old man".

  7. Banned, Jack and her ranting in the same video is a good thing, mate.

  8. Bunni, I know, I know. The trouble is her whole district is as whacked out as she is.

  9. Great video - can't wait to hear her say:

    "...Would you call me "Former Senator" instead of "ma'am"? I worked so hard for that title..."

    Still wishing Boxer's pearl necklace would come to life and choke her)

  10. LTB, welcome to the dark side. You'll fit right in here because of our shared love for Boxer.


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