Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nancy Pelosi Techno Chicken (enjoy Bunni)


  1. I was just out the door and stopped by! THat is so cool, thx for the shout out. I like that tune, I have her lousy mug, but can't have everything! Happy Thurs. Odie, one more day of torture for me! Yipee.

  2. Bunni, Anytime I can brighten your day by making fun of Nancy Pelosi is a good day ... glad you enjoyed.

  3. That was really cool!! Watching the video making fun of that witch was so much fun! The evil queen needs to be dethroned. Have a great day!

  4. Stay tuned Teresa, there will be more tomorrow. I love making fun of the most evil woman in the world.

  5. I can't wait...

    PS I did a typo, I DON"T have her lousy mug, If I did, I would have shot myself by now...hee hee...meant to put HATE!, but u probably knew that.

  6. I didn't know you looked like Nancy, Bunni.

  7. No, No, I don't! I would be walking around with a bag on my head all day if I did...hee hee.
    Oh, no, why did I even bring it up!
    Cease and desist NOW!

  8. I'm sorry, but I think the chicken's a better dancer.

    I'm swiping this for my evening post.

  9. Snarky, you're right about the dancing.

    What's mine is yours ....

  10. I think I may have just had a siezure...

  11. I hope it was a laughter siezure, Freakster.

  12. Maybe this is why pelousey is such a psycho!

    I had a laugh seizure due to freaksters latest post.
    The freaks are hilarious, esp. zombie man.

  13. Bunni, you love that psycho bitch, huh?


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