Friday, December 25, 2009

MERRY CHRISTMAS ... My Video Favorite


  1. Bailey is so adorable! I hope you and yours had the Best Christmas Ever, Odie.

  2. I knew Bunni would like this one, as did I.
    Hope you had a great day Woodsterman, I gather that USA is back to work today, we have a second day off called Boxing Day but this year it falls on Saturday so we get a special day off on Monday too!

  3. This is a great vid. Good for all ages.

  4. Banned, Merry Christmas and happy Boxing Day and Monday too. Wow, a four day weekend !

  5. Yes Opie, He's a good one. Bunni you read this too. When Pen (above) when for a walk with the kids the other day, it was almost as much fun to watch as Bailey. Pen would tunnel for ever and then come up 50 feet away. You could hardly tell which way he was going. He loved playing in our 3 feet of snow.

  6. Ahhh, that was a cool story. You should get a little flip video or some way to film him, Odie. That would be adorable. I'd love to see you walking Pen on a leash in his santa hat! Too Cute!

    Banned, I celebrate boxing day, but I have to go back to the evil empire on monday, eeekk!
    Off to the shops today at some point.

  7. That's great Odie! Dogs are the best.


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