Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy Funday You'll ~PM Edition


Thanks FBers


  1. Excellent group of memes. The last one gives hope that all is not lost...
    Must of happened in "flyover country'.

    1. reefdiver52, they are raised right in flyover country.

  2. 1. Hahaha
    2. Haha
    3. Haha. Oh my gosh.
    4. I don't know anything about X. Haven't read anything by Stephen King.
    5. Yup. Getting one in my gravel driveway from the garbage truck that I need to figure out how to fix.
    6. Haha. I used to peel the celery for my hubby. Still do because I love it with peanut butter or queso.
    7. Hahahahaha!! I think every box store uses that forest...
    8. Look at those hopeful eyes..
    9. Lol.
    10. That was nice of them. Good for them.
    Thanks for these, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

  3. Hmmm, if she needed a man, she didn't need to open the bottle, as any ER doc could have told her.

  4. Teens helping the 5 yr old, good job and good parents.


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