Friday, April 26, 2024

It Must Be Funderwhoopee Friday ~ AM


Thanks FBers


  1. Replies
    1. I saw one in person last week even uglier in person

    2. Anon, I've had pickups for that last 50 years. That thing just wouldn't cut it.

  2. #3) WTF value is a cybertruck? It's not functional as a real truck like a Ford F-150, et al. In my opinion, only a moron would buy one (or someone with money to burn and doesn't give a shit.)

    #9) Yeah, that happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I hit a pothole on the interstate (I86 west) going about 65 or 70 and the jolt was so hard the windshield wipers came on, no lie.

    1. Actually, no, there was no damage as I had the car serviced a few days later and they checked everything for me. Lucky.

  3. Dairy cows will leak milk as they walk. Cats and other critters will lick up the milk. It is likely they observed this and the cows feeding their calves and just put two and two together.

    But hey, if the pervy answer is funnier, so be it.

  4. 3. What a dumb looking vehicle.
    4. Haha!
    5. Hahahaha!!
    6. Hahahahahaha!!!!!
    7. Good one.
    9. Oh gosh..
    10. Haha!
    Thank you, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.