Friday, March 15, 2024

Enjoy Your Funderific Friday ~ B


 Thanks FBers


  1. The block and the water.


  2. #5) I'll take Mom's "McDonalds" over the real thing any day; maybe skip the kool-aid.

    #8) Been there, done that, learned my lesson. I'm young in my mind but my body says otherwise.

  3. 1. Don't you hate when they insist on talking to you when you're eating?
    3. Good chuckle.
    4. Hahaha!!!
    5. No fries when I was growing up. And no tomatoes. Burger, bread, chips and koolaid.
    6. I mostly don't care for the Star Trek memes. This one was okay.
    7. Ha. If only.
    8. Hahahaha! Reminded me of Toby Keith's song "I Ain't asa Good as I Once Was".
    9. Haha.
    10. Sort of cute, I guess.
    Thanks, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.

    1. LindaG, we had frozen fries growing up.

    2. I'm sure there were frozen fries, I just don't remember having them. With 5 brothers, chips were cheaper. :)

  4. The old guy in the last pic was my Dad's cousin. Milford Fortenberry of Tylertown, MS.

  5. The wait staff always comes by when your eating & mouth is full and ask that stupid question, it's their Murphy's law to do so.


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