Thursday, February 1, 2024

Where Did The Time Go? Libturd Thursday ~ AM


Thanks Skip


  1. I'm with the first and the lady with the tail fins.

    Oh, and the Schlob.

  2. False! They work off the books for cash, and usually damn hard, AND they also claim welfare, kinda sorta forgetting to mention the cash income.

    Who are dunces, us, for setting up a system so stupid, or them for taking advantage of our stupid system?

    As Canada Bill Jones once said, "It is immoral to let a sucker keep his money".

    1. Taxes,taxes , we don't pay no fucking taxes.

    2. >Anon, I have seen what you're referring to. Ah yes the "Cash Society." I have many neighbors photographing contractors picking the cash people up. 7-11s are also people picker upper stations.

  3. #8, My upbringing was, “turn off the light(s), shut the refrigerator door, eat what is on the table or go hungry and when you pay the bills we’ll do it your way”. Sniff,sniff ( I say , with a tear in the corner of my eye) my folks were from the depression/ration card generation. Thanks Odie, sez 1st ANGLICO

    1. 1st ANGLICO, I saw the same from my depression generation parents too.

  4. P.S. Odie at 5:30 a.m. it is negative 30 but John Podesta gonna save us, something about how hot pizza will increase the world’s temperature and presto global warming. Ah, the smart folks in D.C. watching out for us plebes. (Those are the guys that gave us ROE in Vietnam, so we could fight a politer war, even though it cost more American lives and what was it anyhow $15K or $1K the family got for your dead body. They didn’t care) Sez, 1st ANGLICO

  5. 1. Hahaha.
    2. There's a dreary thought. I'd rather winter.
    3. Any future written about in the 50's or 60s might have been better...
    4. Sadly, that wouldn't surprise me.
    5. I remember when they started having to put the Surgeon General's warning on the packets..
    6. ...
    7. Don't you wonder how migrants, supposedly coming with nothing, get Biden T-shirts?
    8. something "more" to cry about.
    9. Do we get that much news from Legacy Media?
    10. Interesting, isn't it?
    Thanks, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.