Sunday, November 12, 2023

It's A Busy Day, So Let's Have A Simple Funday ~ A



Thanks FBers


  1. #2 Back in 1985 I had a Toyota truck that had a Diesel engine. It came with a high rise topper for the bed. With the AC on the top speed was 64 MPH. With the AC off it was 68. Without the topper it could run 75 with the AC on and 80 with the AC off.

    I got stopped in Houston where the cop told me I was impeding traffic. It was summer and the topper was on and we were a quarter mile from a major intersection. In that configuration the truck would do 53 in a quarter mile.

    1. >tsquared, you need to try a VW Van. They were much worse..

    2. I second that. I had a VW van. I even went over the grapevine north of LA with the wife and two kids. I had semi's going around me all the way up. Of course, going down was pretty fun.

    3. Mike, I went over the grapevine a few times in my friends VW Van. One time during the trip we had to have it rebuilt in Ridgecrest. I grew up in LA and knew the grapevine very well.

  2. Hi, Red, Hi, Jackie, Hi, Sam, Hi, Arte, Hi, Wilt.

  3. Yeah, cars were designed a lot better. The first Taurus was very popular and so ugly. Looked like a used bar of soap. Without the badges, figuring out who built the car I'm looking at is impossible for the most part.
    So, yes, to the car question and from some of the pictures I've seen, the women of yesteryear were also Built better.

    1. Justin_O_Guy, you don't recognize the Ford Thunderbird?

    2. Sure, back then they were building them good looking. I think that is a57, .

    3. I thought it was a Thunderbird.

  4. Had to stop watching YouTube because they don't allow add blockers anymore. A couple of ads during a music video kinda ruins the music. I don't think they liked my feedback.

    1. Birdchaser, I don't think I've seen them on music videos yet.

  5. #1 Love it
    #2 Good one
    #3 Jackie Gleason. Red Skelton but the character I had to look up. Freddie the Freeloader. Another great show.
    #4 Haha
    #5 Weird
    #6 Haha. Like that red car.
    #7 Sammy Davis Junior, and I think, Wilt Chamberlain?
    #8 Definitely
    #9 ...
    #10 I know they were.
    Thanks for this, Odie.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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