Sunday, September 3, 2023

Funday AM Spent Golfing

 A good friend of mine unexpectedly lost his wife. A couple months later we were golfing together, chatting about nothing. He asked what my dinner plans were and I told him wifey wanted my homemade chili and cornbread, but I didn't feel like stopping at the store. We golfed a few more minutes when he quietly said, “Make the chili."

It took me a few minutes to realize we were no longer talking about dinner. It was about going out of your way to do something for someone you love because at any moment, they could unexpectedly be taken from you. So today I'm sharing with you that wisdom handed to me by my dear friend, that I've thought of many times since that day. Next time someone you love wants you to go for a walk or watch a football game or play a board game or just put your phone down and give them your undivided attention, just do it. “Make the chili”


  1. My oldest and her mom liked to play this one card game. When the oldest was 9, she asked her mom to play. Mom said, "no" and I saw the disappointment in the girls eyes. A few days later, the 9 year old asked again, again mom said "no", again I saw the disappointment in her eyes. A few days later mom asked if she wanted to play, the 9 year old say "no" and 20+ years later, I don't think they ever played that card game together again. Kids will only take so much disappointment from you before they give up.

  2. Replies
    1. Scott, good advice given by someone that knew life is too short.

    2. Scott, I must have missed this comment. Sorry about that. You are very welcome.

  3. Thanks for this. A true sentiment just hard to keep that focus when buried in the day to day grind. All the best Sir!

    1. Irish, I agree we're too busy for our own good. I'll pay you a visit shortly too.


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