Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Skip, Skip, Skip To My Roo . . . A

 Thanks Skip


  1. The Lying, and Crazy Socialist- Democrat Cult wants to prevent Donald Trump from being on the 2024 ballot with an illegitimate use of 14th amendment.
    For TWO REASONS! 1, Bacchus they are afraid as Hell of him. And 2. Because they know that in a Legal, and Non-Rigged Election, he would out perform him by a LONG-SHOT.
    Trying to illegally remove him from running is what these asinine people are doing with all these Stupid and false “Indictment” and continuing to do it will be even more stupid.
    The Potato head-In-Chief, don’t even know tat there is an election next year, he is too busy laying on the Beach in Hawaii while the people there are suffering and all they havr heard from him yesterday was that he once had a fire in his Kitchen and lost his Cat! This is what he told to the hundreds of Loved Ones that host their relatives in that Horrendous Fire.
    We told you that the Democrats are undermining our democracy with their ludicrous indictments and crazy insurrection theory.
    The average American is completely Perplexed by the Corruption Coming Out of the DOJ , and the FBI, as they continue to cover for the Crooked Biden Crime Family. The problem is that the same elitist Sociopaths also have the journalists on their payroll. Those whores belong in prison as well.
    Those 5i former intelligence officers who signed that PHONY letter stating that the Hunter Laptop story had all the hallmarks of Russian disinformation — a letter which all the news outlets reported on, and which almost certainly had an effect on the last presidential election — must be finding things a bit HOT right now as it’s likely a Republican will be in charge in 2025.
    The Dumacrats had to result to a pandemic that was Killing people at an almost 9/11 at a horrific pace every day. Along with a President who didn't seem to care and was only interested in things that interested him while he HID in the BASEMENT and campaigned in Coffee House Parking Lots. ..and Republicans are going to hang their hat that the election was affected by, of all things....Especially the FACT that the FBI HID Hunter Biden's Laptop. Even CNN is actually surprised about the the level of corruption coming out of the DOJ, they must have been deaf, dumb and blind for the last, past 20+ years

    1. In My Honest Opinion, Yeah, What you said.

    2. FWIW I'd say Maui blew '24 and a few more elections for them. Blessed few Demos have criticized Idiot and I think people are getting the message.

  2. That last pun about Pfizer got me laughing :-)

    1. Ms Donyarific, Glad I was a success in making you laugh.

  3. 30K a year is way more than any gender/women's/queer/ studies grad deserves.


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