Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Skipism Tuesday Morning


Thanks Skip


  1. That is such a great meme about Rockefeller and big pharma. Over 100 years ago there were many competing medical practices. Naturopathy, chiropathy, homeopathy, Chinese medicine, allopathy(now known as MDs) and others.

    Rockefeller along with Carnegie sought to take control of medicine and using the Flexnor(sic?) Report they whipped up public opinion to paint all medical practices other than allopathy as suspect. Congress acted and removed accreditation for all medical colleges that taught anything but a pharmaceutical approach to healing. Overnight these other forms of medicinal healing were discredited and the allopath approach was the law of the land.

    However allopaths, while shining in ER and surgery, treat the symptoms of illnesses with drugs that DO NOT CURE the illness. These drugs treat the symptoms. It's estimated that prescription drug use is the second or third leading cause of death in America.

    Many illnesses like high blood pressure are easily CURED by naturopaths while MDs prescribe medication that requires life long adherence. And frequently the doses must be increased or other medication prescribed to combat side effects. Or in many cases, both.

    It's not unusual to see someone taking 5 or 6 or more different drugs every day. FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES!!

    Who is the largest buyer of TV advertising? Who is one of the largest donors to political candidates? Whose lobbyists write drug regulation laws? How much of our total GDP goes to pharmaceutical medical care(1/7th)? Did you know 97% of chemo fails? Do you realize that a "cured" patient is no longer a customer?

    You can thank Rockefeller.

    Next time you're ill, see a naturopath. They use nutrition and herbs to cure you.

  2. That's quite the collection today, Odie. The Republican one for sure.
    You all be safe and God bless.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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