Sunday, January 16, 2022

Funday ~ Part 1



Thanks FBers


  1. I always get a kick out of seeing those guys with the duct tape. Back in the days of the fiberglass funny car bodies, duct tape was known as 300 mile an hour tape since a lot of the fiberglass bodies were held together with it after they cracked from the horrendous vibrations of the fuel motors and crashes. The tape those guys are using looks some better than duct tape.

    1. Paul V, When I had snowmobiles we called it "High Speed Tape" and used it on our cracked windshields.

  2. I've known a few of those treasures.

  3. #2...It's called "The Fargo".

    #5...We sat and watched the equivalent of a "Safelite team" change out the windshield on the plane we were about to be loaded onto.


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