Sunday, April 25, 2021

Happiest of Funday in the Morning


Thanks FBers


  1. Last is old Kingston Trio song, but I like Hilda.

    All the curves, all the cushions.

    1. edutcher, I don't remember that song.

    2. Perhaps because it's a Calypso song, "Ah Woe, Ah Me".

      Sometimes called "Shame And Scandal".


    Naked gardening day? Ummm - since I have three priests living within spitting distance, I'll have to skip that one.

  3. I probably don't need to participate in naked gardening day. Might cause paperwork.

  4. Hell, I did naked gardening last weekend. Another premature event sadly.

    So, last weekend I'm also getting gas at Costco. I'm behind a 20 something guy with a beard and a mask. He is situated such that his filler is on the other side of the car from the pump. Dude actually has the attendant haul the hose and nozzle to the other side of his car for him. Of course, he also has a plastic disposable hand cover so he doesn't have to touch the nozzle. What a country.

  5. Kid, I am truly despondent for our civilization... and Odie, you don't know how true the last meme is in the South... can't make fun of a man on the other side of the county for fear the man you are saying it to is a cousin to that man, even though they haven't seen or heard from him in thirty years...

  6. Get help pulling the hose and nozzle across the trunk to fill up.

  7. That's what I said about the guy. He got help from the attendant to do so. He wasn't disabled in any way except mentally.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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