Wednesday, February 17, 2021

I Lost A Personal Hero Today


There are probably millions out there that

would say the same thing.

He entertained and enlightened us. 

I would have posted this earlier, but I've been

wrestling Medical crap too. I've had laser eye 

surgery for Glaucoma last week and yesterday.

Today I had a CT scan to see if that Nodule in my lung

has grown or turned in to more. 

I bring this up because another hero of mine,

my father in law, passed away many years ago.

He was also a woodworker and he had put his

finger into a table saw blade. When we got

home from his funeral I put my finger into

a table saw blade. So, Rush dies of lung cancer

and I have another CT Scan the same day. I'll

Keep my fingers crossed. I usually keep this

type of thing to myself. What the hell .......


  1. Sending good vibes, Odie. I loved Rush too. I'm one of the millions that will miss him.

    Have a fabulous day. ♥

    1. Sandee, Thank You! I wonder if maybe Mark Steyn will take his place.

  2. Growing up; the old folks would beseech me to "see the forest for the trees". After a few married years and kids I finally figured out what they meant.
    To me Rush always seemed to be the guy that would beseech you to "see the shadows between the trees". He had a way of getting you to put your focus on the figures behind the curtain.

  3. I too, am saddened by the loss of Rush. I am wishing you the best of luck and health. God Blesw

  4. Just a lurker, but wanted to say thanks for posting about Rush. I think a lot of us loved him and will miss our friend. Also, thoughts and prayers to you, who helps us make it through these crazy times. Be strong and we'll. Dave

    1. Dave, I love my "Lurkers". Nothing has changed in the last 6 months. The doctor says it's great news. So at this time it's a non-event.

  5. I've been following, unofficially, your blog for a few years. You, very much like Rush, feel like my friend. So, I wish for you, my friend, a swift recovery and good health. Unfortunately, I feel like the number of "good guys" is the world is dwindling.

    1. Unknown, thank you. All seems to be OK with the doctor.

  6. Ok Odie, you can't leave us hanging like that.. What are the results of the CT scan??

    1. Chris, just found out the doctor was very happy with the results and no change from 6 months ago.

  7. You will be in my prayers this evening and in those to come. I have an empty place where Rush had been. Now I can pray that he is happier than he has ever been in his new home with Jesus as today is Ash Wednesday and we are reminded, yet again, "Remember that dust you are, and to dust you shall return." Genesis 3:19

  8. Hope the CT is an all clear. Will be praying for you.

    1. mike, there was no change from 6 months ago. Thank You.

  9. Good luck with all the medical stuff and I hope all is clear. To my way of thinking Rush was a bell that cannot be un-rung.

    1. Mikey, Looks like it is a non-event. I will miss Rush.

  10. Best of luck to you and your medical conditions. May it all turn out well!

    1. fartingmonk, It seems to have turned out well, thank you.

  11. I stop by each day to enjoy your post and put a smile on my face. I leave no tracks, cause I don't want to leave a mess; if you pack it in, you pack it out. But you caught my attention today... I survived terminal cancer, sarcoma of the lung. I had a tumor (antiosarcoma) removed from my leg in 2012. It metastasized and went to my lungs. I was given 4 months to two years to live. Chemo, eight weeks later, another CT scan, it disappeared. My doc said, sometimes we get lucky. I told him it was not luck.
    When I found out I was terminal, I prayed, Lord, if you aren't done with me yet, I will know if this goes away. When it "disappeared" I prayed, Lord, now what do you want me to do?
    We do not hold the cards, but one thing I did learn, cancer hates laughter! Keep your spirits up, you are blessed to know one way or another. For we do not know when the last day on our calendar will be. I learned that 9 years ago. The unknown is scary, but the power of Jesus Christ is not!
    My Best,

    1. Gary, I'm glad to know you're out there and laughing. My CT scan seems to have given me good news. The doctor is very pleased.

  12. Rush was my hero too and no one can take his place. Love your blog and look forward to it everyday. Prayers for your health.

    1. Jan, as long as you comment in that southern accent I'll be around for a long time.

  13. One does what one must, as David Ben-Gurion once said.

    Keep on keepin' on. Rush would have wanted it that way.


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