Sunday, January 10, 2021

We Interrupt Our Normal Broadcasting . . . . He Did It His Way!




  1. Very moving tribute for the best POTUS since Ronald Reagan. Thank you!

  2. If history is at all honest, he will be remembered as the greatest president in 100 years. Thank you sir!

  3. One of my employees asked how the business did under DJT vs other presidents. They had been with me for 15 years and apparently had not been paying that much attention. With a few clicks on my business computer I pulled up gross receipts for 2008 Bushes last year then 2012 for the 4th year under Obama. We had grown a paltry 9.28% total over the first 4 years of Obama. That averaged just over 2% per year. Then I compared the gross revenue of 2016 (Obamas last year) to 2020. We grew 44.68% over the 4 years of Trump,(averaged over 10% per year) and that included 2020, a Covid year when our Idiot Governor shut us down from March 20, 2020 thru Memorial day, and the health department said we had close to quarantine for 10 days in Dec after an employee tested positive for Covid after contracting it from a family member. Without Covid we easily would have been up 50% total over the last 4 years of Trump. On Top of that everyone got a tax cut, but people are stupid most don't have a clue how much of what they make goes to the bloodsuckers in State and Federal government. We basically flatlined under Obama and the economy took off like a rocket with the Trump/Republican tax cuts that NOT ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT VOTED FOR. The establishment had to get rid of Trump because he really was for the people. If there was not absolute election fraud then you can blame it on the morons that get their "news" on FB/Twatter/google and the leftwing bias media. Left wing bias gives the globalist socialist 15-20 % in any election. Most people believe only the rich got a tax cut because the mainstream media wanted then to think they got screwed. Most are not smart enough to fill out a tax return to begin with let alone find the line that says what their total tax liability is. When you ask one of these useful idiots how much income tax they paid they will say something utterly stupid like "I didn't pay anything, I got money back". JFK, Reagan and Trump were the three best presidents in my lifetime, all understood that you cannot tax your way into prosperity. Sadly we no longer have a functioning press that is interested in reporting facts, and a population that is too dumb to understand that they are being played like a fool. America is in a death spiral.

    1. Reagan and Trump were the three best presidents in your lifetime,

      Kennedy was a fool that almost got us all nuked.

  4. He will be President until '24.

    To steal something is not to win it.

    1. edutcher, conspiracy theorists say you're right. Big doings during the next few days.

  5. Odie,
    Thanks for the tribute to the greatest President in modern history.
    Take care be safe.
    God bless.
    Griz - Alaska


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