Saturday, August 29, 2020

Awww Beautiful ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style


Ivanka, Still one of my nominees for

Most Beautiful Woman In The World

Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. I second old skank.

  2. You have excellent taste, sir.

    Just shows what breeding does.

  3. edutcher, I calls them as I sees them.

  4. She's a very beautiful lady. We have both her mother and father to thank for that. Plus, Ivana was instrumental in the how great all the kids turned out (and Trump very fairly gives her credit too.)

    I've seen some interviews with Ivana, and while she hasn't aged well (and doesn't seem to give a hoot), she struck me as a very fun and smart lady and someone I'd love to have lunch with. She's also been lady enough to stay out of the limelight and keep her mouth shut.

    And to be even more fair, the second wife has done a great job with Tiffany.

  5. meh. she's the one whispering in daddy's ear about red flag laws. not a fan.

  6. She can whisper in my ear and call me anything she wants !

  7. Adrienne, that whole family is amazing.

  8. Allen, this is a Rule 5 post. She was picked for her beauty.

  9. As The Woman once observed, Don is not that handsome a dude but he keeps marrying all those good looking gals. Then he has all these good looking kids and grandkids.

  10. Critter, I think President Trump was very good looking in his younger days (not that I'm into that).

  11. Y’all do know she’s married to the leftist douchebag Kouchner, right? Just saying. Beauty is skin deep, globalism runs to the core. Wake up pedes!


    Wake the Frek up folks!

  13. Clueless, this is a Rule 5, and that means it's about her beauty, as stated before.

  14. Ivanka could make butter go rock hard on a hot day!


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