Thursday, June 4, 2020

From The Woodsterman Bunker ~ Libturd Thursday 1

Thanks Facebook Peeps


  1. Actually, the Demos weaponized the American people.

    Trump just sat back and let them do it.

    Because he knew they were doing it to themselves.

  2. The dude in the first one left out Homo. Is that his girlfriend on the left?

    I laughed at the Don King one.

    Audey Murphy is the 2nd most decorated soldier.

  3. edutcher, I for the first time in a long time took the 357 mag out of the safe and slept with it next to me the last few nights. And I live in a sleepy little berg. That's what the dems did to me.

  4. Kid, yes they're married, she sure looks like them, and I thought he was the most decorated.

  5. Here is the rundown Odie.

  6. Well, I'm qustioning the first guy in that list I just posted. It may not be he who is the most decorated, I did run across a story with the guys name and story years ago and can't mfind it right off now. He was not a US soldier, so Audey would be the most decorated US soldier. If I run across this other guy again, I'll let ya know.

    These LG-blabla people need to get back behind the baseboard.

  7. No my friend, it would take 4 of her to make a half-wit !!!

  8. Richard, Sometimes I give people a break, then some truth teller, like you, comes along and I have to admit that I went to easy on, in this case, the bitch. Please forgive me oh wise one.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.