Sunday, April 12, 2020

Happy Easter On Funday ~ Afternoon Edition

Thanks Facebookers


  1. Odie, are you trying to trigger my MS and my OCD? I am totally weirded out now with the ladies twirling... My answer to the penis mask is to wear a vagina mask. Laugh and hilarity ensues afterward.

  2. Ha good stuff ! And it's about time people started wearing ladies underwear on their heads.

    There are some cool optical illusions out there. Easy to find.

  3. Kid, I can be found at many stores trying on ladies underwear on my head.

  4. Some good ones, Odie.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandt

  5. The left and right spinners are high lighted to convince you of the direction but without the stimulus as is the center silhouette can be made to turn in either direction if your brain is up to the task.

  6. captcraig, wow ... it should be Professor Craig!

  7. If you look at the turning women illusion long enough you can make the center one turn in either direction or just turn back & forth.

  8. Matthew, thanks, I thought it was the LSD I took. I was really bending time?


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