Friday, February 21, 2020

Fun On A Friday With Memes

Thanks Facesterpeeps

Well boyz and girlz, I posted this using the new browser Brave.
I think they have a winner here. I've been using Vivaldi and it
never got over its quirks. If you like I can keep you posted.
Both of them are Chrome based.


  1. I know Mrs. Woodsterman does not feel that way when she gives you a loving hug Sweet Pea.

    Happy Friday one and all!

  2. Instead of dealing with the Window's 7 conundrum, we decided to have our guru build us a couple of new desktops. He's picking up our current ones to transfer everything over the next few days. I'll ask him about Brave. Chrome has been very glitchy lately. In this day and age I don't expect to see "Chrome not responding" on my monitor.

  3. Curmudgeon, oh yeah, but she's getting there.

  4. Adrienne, I dropped Chrome a long time ago. It was a bit glitchy when posting here. You would think it would be the best since this is google based. Nope. And Vivaldi keeps wanting to highlight everything. Firefox seems to be better than most.

    Brave didn't like Disqus comments yesterday. I think they're not "https" and Brave needs to be tweaked to except that. If not, I'll dump Brave.

  5. I am sure Mrs. Woodman has hugged you a lot... for all reasons. I use Pale Moon as my browser and so after 5 years no glitches and no funny error messages, it doesn't track you and spy on you as far as I know. I use their Ad-Blocker and it cuts 99% of pop ups and annoying ads.

  6. Thanks for the tip.

    And the blank baby. They always look better.

  7. I've been using Opera for a couple of years on my laptops..bought a new Dell a couple of months's a little slower than my old HP,but I'm getting used to Windows 10..still think I like 7 better..can't seem to get Brave to work well..Edge came with this Dell,maybe it's 10's browser..don't care for it...

  8. Cederq, she hugs me with a frying pan.

    Pale Moon? The reason I've never heard of it is because I have a Mac. I looked it up and Pale Moon doesn't do Mac. It said they branched off from Firefox. I have Firefox and I have it set up to block most things. This Brave blocks just about everything as a default. That can be good, BUT it blocks a lot of things that make other people's blogs great. It blocks Disqus Comments which isn't good. But I did find out I can tweak it to except Disqus. Disqus is still a http app and not the safer https.

  9. edutcher, I like my babies to be blank also. In fact I find the tattoo craze annoying. I like the babes unmark. I find the tattoos very distracting. Take a good looking nude dancer for instance ... no tats is way better.

    Did you read that Amazon?

  10. So, you saying she hugs you with a frying pan just before she uses it to fry up some eggs and cornbread,, what a nice wife!

  11. My suggestion is dump your mac into the nearest waste receptacle. Why be beholden to apple? They are of the communist persuasion and not nifty guys... You can't even crack the case to inspect inside with out voiding their warranty.

  12. Cederq, NEVER! I'm on my third Mac and I love them. Any company from silicone valley is communist.

  13. Dennis, I've used Opera, but it isn't a go to app for Mac. I don't care for Chrome because it just does work with other google products like "Blogger". Vivaldi is a start up like Opera. Brave is also and both use Chrome for the bones. Firefox was my usual go to, but I've modified mine so much none of the other blogging sites recognize me when I go there. I even use Apple Safari everyday. I'll give Brave some more time before deciding yay or nay. But it sure is fast. It has been crowned the FASTEST by the experts.

    Your Edge is the new Microsoft Internet Explorer. I've never used it.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.