Saturday, January 11, 2020

Global Warming ~OR~ Rule 5 Woodsterman Style

Other Rule 5 ers:


  1. Thanks for not including Snippi Longstocking.

    And I could warm up 4's globes happily.

  2. There's no wonder that I love nipples.
    That's where my first meal came from.

  3. It is my duty to protect all those chilly nippies on those poor, ladies, especially the last one. I shall embrace and warm them... I know, a dirty job as Mike Rowe would define it. But, I can rise to the occasions.

  4. edutcher, them are some globes alright.

  5. Handsome, that's why we like to keep them Handy.

  6. Cederq, my tradition here is always try and put my favorite last. I see we share a common taste in these things.

  7. It's nice how women like to put themselves on display.

    The red dress girl caught my eye. I'm not a fan of the soccer balls chest.

  8. Kid, when you reach my age you will love the female form ... Period.

    (But last was still my favorite, LOL.)

  9. I've been loving it since I was 3 Odie. Heh.

  10. Ok, here's the run down.

    1 - after a couple beers.
    2 & 3 - Yep!
    4 - nope.
    5 - Red dress Yep, something about that look of confidence too.
    6 - naw
    7 - Purple - Interesting but scary looking.
    8 - blue - Nopes - looks like an actress
    9 - cowboy hat - looks fun to play with but Nope - gold digger. Those things are way too perky to be real.

  11. Kid, there are over 3 billion women in this world ... something for everyone ... deal?

  12. Odie. OH HECK YEA ! No problem there pal. I just see comment sections as a place to put an opinion that's all. I do not require anyone to share my opinion.

  13. You too sir. You're one of the good guys.

  14. #9 Reminds me of a Bob Seger song.

  15. Birdchaser, reminds me of Heather Graham.


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