Friday, November 8, 2019

WhooHoo . . . . It's Fun Friday I

Thanks FBG


  1. Gotta hand it to "Atta Boy",
    As any boss will tell you,
    the clumsy employees will have many many accidents...

    "Atta Boy" will only have one.

    MSG Grumpy

  2. I never thought about Jehovah Witnesses that much until today. Damn that was funny.

  3. MSG Grumpy, It cuts down on employee compensation.

  4. Curmudgeon, I'm very rude when they come knocking at my door. I haven't seen them in about 20 years.

  5. Kid, happy Friday, and how about that elephant?

  6. The roofer one is funny since my roofers just showed up to install the new skylights. And the JW's showed up here on All Saints Day so I was able to tell them (very,very politely) that since I was getting ready for Mass since it All Saints Day I didn't have time to discuss scripture with them. They probably doused themselves in antibacterial gel when they left.

  7. I ain't afraid to comment, Odie.
    I particularly liked the elephant wet fart.
    The last JW who knocked at my door, I fondled myself, and asked the bonnet wearing woman if she was married.

  8. That first one is on Mike Tythson's street!

  9. Adrienne, you're much more polite than I am.

  10. Extexanwannabe, what a great idea ... thanks!

  11. Proof, thanks for the heads up. That explains a lot.

  12. Easy, Odie. It's twenty wunth street.


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