Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ah, The Cell Phone

Thanks David



    Live Stream: Robert Mueller testifies before Congress

  2. I always did like Samuel L Jackson.

    PS i', huh?

    sounds better than Facebarf.

  3. I'm highly attuned to the whole phone thingy and I've noticed I see far fewer peeps with their faces in their phones while I'm out and about. That's a good thing.

    My first phone when I was a teenager was a princess phone - pink.

  4. I remember all these things. I'm old. I'm good with it too.

    I linked this post to Wordless Wednesday.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ♪♫♪♫

  5. Adrienne, My first phone was a black dial phone in my first apartment. Before that they were my father's.

  6. Sandee, thank you. Have I ever been there before?

  7. I remember when you'd only call long distance when somebody died, and then you'd wait for the weekend for the low rate.

  8. Hey Odie, Do you have Prince Albert in a can? hardeeharhar.

    I use my phone for a computer. Hate to talk on it, do like texting for the privacy. One good thing about the cell phone is if you are in trouble somehow while out and about you don't need to walk for miles to find a pay phone AND have change to use it to get help.

    Once, as a young man, I was out with my buddy and his girlfriend. He stopped at his house to get something leaving us both in the truck. We made out til he came back. He drove her home (mobile home park) and I slipped her my number. A little after I got home, she called and said Are you coming Over?! I said yea. She said do you need directions, I said no. I got to the mobile home park but couldn't remember the house number. Dang! Went home without accomplishing my mission. That sure wouldn't have happened in the age of cell phones...

  9. I remember all of those things. And hen I see somebody photography their food, I ASK FOR COPIES! lol

  10. Roy, and don't forget after 7:00 in the evening.

  11. Kid, you may have saved a friendship.

  12. Chris, ask for a description over the phone. That'll confuse them.

  13. Never had my own phone til I moved away for college. Actually even then it was a house phone.
    LOL I had forgotten about the wait til after 7 to call, because cheaper!

  14. Go ahead and laugh but I still have a rotary dial wall phone in the hallway at home. The funniest part is nobody from the phone company knows how to disconnect it from the wiring.

  15. Brig, I had my first phone January 1971.

  16. WDS, I'm not laughing. I still have one we used until 6 months ago. We're in a smaller place now and don't need it. I put in 30 years with Ma Bell, I'll bet I could find where that phone is hooked up.


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