Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Fun (Yes And Snowy) Wednesday

Thanks Facebook Buddies


  1. I like the last one. I always said, Fred Flintstone had the first "green" car.

  2. Thanks Odie.

    Yes, the promise of global warming was just another Democrat lie - one of many.

    Enjoy the ice age.

  3. Snow!!????!!!


  4. I love them all.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  5. LL, more snow coming your way. I know this because it's snowing like an M-Effer here.

  6. edutcher, There's a saying / joke up here. Tourist asks, "When does it stop snowing here?" Local says, "That would be July 12th." "My God! says the tourist, "When does it start again." The answer is always the same, "July 13th."

  7. Sandee, having a great snowy day. Watch out for flooding your way.

  8. it's snowing a bit here in Vancouver WA! Probably not as much as where you are?

  9. You're getting or received more snow? More is on the way for us this weekend. There's nowhere left to pile it up. Awwwww, I feel for ya, man. Take plenty of breaks during snow removal shoveling or snowblowing. My cousin just spent two days with hypothermia because he decided to "get rid of it" all in one, long process. At a -10 windchill.

  10. Kathe W. It snowed that awful wet crap yesterday. This morning it's a nice light 2 inches.

  11. Thanks Kid, I think we'll keep you around.

  12. David, It almost looks like the sun wants to come out. We got a couple of light inches over night. We're running out of places to put it here too.


  13. Thanks for the laughter Woodsterman!

    Wait who is this other woman in Vancouver, WA...

  14. Brig, I changed my mind. I'll send this another way.


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