Wednesday, January 23, 2019

One Wish

I met a magical fairy yesterday who said she would grant me one wish.

I wish to live “forever”, I said.

“Sorry,” said the fairy, “I’m not allowed to grant that particular wish.”

“Fine,” I said, “then I want to die the day after Congress is filled with honest, hard-working, bipartisan men and women who act only in the people's best interests!”

“Your crafty bastard,” replied the fairy.

Thanks Jim


  1. And here I thought his wish would be for her negligee to slide off.

  2. That's a good wish. You are very crafty.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. 😎

  3. edutcher, you and I think alike. We're a couple of old leches.

  4. Sandee, anything to live forever ... unless there's a revolution.


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