Sunday, December 23, 2018

You Probably Have To Be My Age To Remember This

Merry Christmas From The Little King


  1. Not only that, but Babar. My Aunt Mary got me all those books when I was little.

  2. edutcher, I remember watching this cartoon on Saturday mornings close to Christmas.

  3. I remember the Little King, but I never saw him in anything animated. He was just there with Henry, Little Lulu, Snuffy Smith, Lil' Abner and Steve Canyon in the funny papers. Plus Alley Oop, the Katzenjammer Kids and Mark Trail!

  4. Proof, he was in a few cartoons. That's where I remember him from.

  5. I will NEVER admit I remember the Little King. Even though I do.
    Mike, above, mentioned Little Lulu. I don't remember her, either, I'm too young, but she was my favorite! :-)

  6. Z,, I remember them all. Merry Christmas Youngster.


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