Friday, November 30, 2018

Not Fun For Me Friday

Thanks FBers

****** Well Boys and Girls, I guess an explanation is due. I have been a little lax and preoccupied for the last couple of months. The family has been going through a few changes and the solution was for Mrs. Woodsterman and I to move. Not to a new town but another house. We well be moving into the new place today (at least most of our stuff). 

Anyway, this is why the Woodsterman hasn't had time to stop along the blog trail for visits and say howdy. When the dust settles I'll be at 100% obnoxious.

To top this off, it's snowing up here and the rental Uhaul has NO chains. I think the ones on my pickup will fit ... wish me luck ... 


  1. Please careful Odie. Your faithful readers depend on your daily funnies to lift us up.

    Love ya, mean it.

  2. Sounds like an adventure, Odie. Good Luck. Take a few photos.

  3. I want to know what's going on that makes you have to move. I'm snoopy that way.

    Have a good moving day and weekend. 😎

  4. Routing a water line through an electrical box...what could possibly go wrong?
    Hope that's not a shot of the wiring at your new place.
    Lift with your legs, old timer!

  5. Best of luck to you and the Mrs. Odie.

  6. Curmudgeon, after all the chores were done, so was I.

  7. Gleason, it was a wise choice I made last night to take the Uhaul Truck then. I'm in my motorhome west of Reno and it's snowing big time. Uhaul does not supply chains for their trucks. That would not have been fun taking that truck back this morning on icy roads.

  8. Jan, Thank You! All went well and I'm warm and toasty in my motorhome. The snow is due to stop at noon. Then I will join my wife in the new house.

  9. Proof, I did lift with my legs, but then that's probably why I kept getting leg cramps last night.

  10. Terry, thank you. I'm going to enjoy the change.

  11. Jeffery, thank you! It's snowing at the RV Park where I am with the motorhome. The Mrs. is in the new place. We're not in a hurry to get on these slippery roads. It's due to quit at noon. I'll leave then, leave the motorhome right here, and go to the new place and dig the little woman out. We've gotten quite used to not hurrying any more. I'll be spending my first night in the new place tonight.


Put it here ... I can't wait to read it. I have the Captcha turned OFF but blogger insists it be there. You should be able to bypass it.

** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

*** Moderation has been added due to Spam and a Commenter a little too caustic. I welcome comments, but talk of killing and racist (or even close to racist) are not welcome.