Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Brett's Got Nothing On Me

A message from all the girls I dated when I was younger!

They wanted to tell me they are still thinking of me!

And you thought Brett Kavanaugh has it bad.

Thanks T-Bone


  1. You really had a way with the ladies didn't you.

    Have a great day, Odie. 😎

  2. Sounds like the girls have it bad.

  3. Curmudgeon, the older they get the nastier are.

  4. edutcher, they're all in competition with each other for my affections.

  5. Funny comments and GIF.

    I know some very capable, conservative women. In my estimation they are not the majority simply because women, at least in my age group, were not brought up to be logical mechanical thinkers for the most part.

    Why do we put women in so many positions of authority - especially in Congress. I'm having a hard time thinking of even one of them that I'd allow work the french fry station at a McDonalds.

  6. PS - I read today that alex KorTEZ (a.o-cortez) says that if elected she will be inaugurated Jan 2 and be singing bills by Jan 6(?) The moron doesn't even know what congress does.

  7. I hate to say it, but I may actually have dated the one on the upper left!

  8. Kid, the stupid is strong with that one.

  9. Bill, did she still have that crazy dog that loved humping the stuffed animals?


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