Friday, June 15, 2018

Signing Bonus

What's cooler than pulling up and getting out of the 
new Lamborghini you just purchased with your big 
National Football League signing bonus.


  1. You wouldn't have to be fat.

    Just over 40.

  2. That would be me... I hate small cars and these swept back windshield of all new cars and trucks. You have to be a contortionist to drive,

  3. edutcher, I have to ax myself, How'd he get in there?"

  4. Cederq, That's why I drive a ten year old pick up.

  5. Adrienne, yeah. I can't afford it either.

  6. Bwahahahahahahahaha. Good grief.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Odie. ☺

  7. I'm serious, Odie. It's ethically ugly. Even if I could afford it I wouldn't buy it. Now a nice restored '56 TBird? Yep!

  8. Adrienne My Sweet, you fell for the humor here. I, myself, am in love with the new Camaros.

  9. As I Mr Odie, but mine is a 18 year old Chevy.. and yeah, I too love the new Camaros, what a sweet looking car amongst all the same drek coming from the auto makers.

  10. Cederq, I like to say I drive a man's pickup, and not one the wife let me buy. Mine is a 2008 standard cab long bed. It's a man's truck that hauls wood. I can haul 8 foot plywood with the tailgate closed.

  11. Hmm, mine is a single cab, 8 footer C3500 single wheel man's truck too. A 2000 classic style. I have to say at the auto parts store, think '98 not a Silverado...

  12. I can relate. When I was in the military I got a deal on a Porsche 944T the year before I retired. I was in good shape but for me to drive that car the seat had to be in the rear most position at almost full reclined position and the steering wheel it the full up position. This car was designed for somebody 5'8" at 180 pounds and I was 5'10 at 195. This was a special occasion and weekend only car.

    I gained 10 pounds per year the first 3 years after retirement. By the third year I was rolling out of the car to get out of it. I sold it that year.

  13. Tony, I feel your pain. I did do something right in my younger years by buying a 914 then. I was 23 and 5'-9" at 160 pounds. I could get in and out of that baby easily, but no way now.


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