Sunday, February 11, 2018

Haven't Been To Walmart In Awhile ~ Woodsterman Style

Thank You People of Walmart (LINK) 


  1. The weird part is you don't even have to get out of your car.

    The parking lot is enough.

  2. I haven't gone to the McDonalds in Walmart, bought half a dozen cheeseburgers, taken a bite of each and re-wrapped them and left them around - watching what happens - for a while. You've inspired me.

  3. We don't shop at WalMart. Not for this reason, but we just don't.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  4. I confess to loving our WallyWorld. It's only a few minutes from my house and the employees are wonderful and it blessedly hasn't been infiltrated with weirdos.

    That being said, the Sgt. teaching the concealed carry class last Wed. strongly suggested that I not go there at 3am because it was pretty weird. Not a big chance that would happen, although 7am is heaven.

    What the hell is last guy wearing???

  5. edutcher, my last trip there was a hoot. It was a shame I couldn't openly take pictures, but then that's what they say about me.

  6. Sandee, I do shop there on occasion, but this is what makes it more fun.

  7. Adrienne, I have about 6 choices of Wallyworlds in Reno. Most are just fine, but there is this one .....

    "That Last Guy" wears whatever he wants because no one has the guts to question it.


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