Monday, January 8, 2018

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~ 131 ~


  1. That bird has some moves. Too cute.

    Have a birdtastic Awww Monday Woodsterman style. ☺

  2. Sandee, birdtastic huh? What exactly is that? That's not some bird / man love thing is it?

  3. Some critters just need an audience to do their best work. The other birds are are going, "Okay Travolta, we've seen it all before. Now get back in the cage."

  4. This bird is totally feathertastic!

  5. Kathe W, do you and Sandee belong to the same Strange Word Cult?

  6. Oh my! That simply made my day! Thanks for the grin from ear to ear.


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