Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Signs That Show Humanity Is Regressing ~ 2

I thought they were most all the fault of lawyers,
The sad thing is, there are people in our society 
that really need these signs !!!!!!!!!!

Thanks David


  1. they are just avoiding law suits

    1. Jan, yes they are, but it sure makes for some funny posts.

  2. Yep, the lawyers will sue over anything. They have to make a living you know.

    Have a fabulous day, Odie. ☺

  3. Actually, gravity will not permit the fence being sat upon for any protracted period.

  4. Hey, wait just a minute! I read them and they made perfect sense to me. Yes, I am 76, and yes, I have certain problems, but that does not mean I am totally insane. Thank you, Odie. :)

  5. Thank you. I'm pasting it on my mirror. :)

    1. Trailbee, did you ever see that comedian? His "line" was "Here's your sign."


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