Monday, April 24, 2017

Awww Monday ~ Woodsterman Style ~101 ~


  1. I thought for sure after the poop he'd be able to get out of there. Mom to the rescue. A huge awwww. Hubby and I enjoyed this very much.

    Have a fantastic Awww Monday Woodsterman Style. ☺

  2. That really is a major Awwwwww. It's also about how I would look under the same circumstances.

  3. I felt just like that little guy. We bought a new car Saturday. Yesterday I decided I had better get in it and try out the finer points. What a joke. I'm too short!!!! I upped the seat. I lowered the steering wheel. I can't see out the back window, nor make head or tail out of the back-up vid. After all was said and done, Hal said maybe I should use my truckers cushion I use at the dinner table. Whatever works - moms, husbands, truckers cushions. Cute vid. Thanks, Odie. :)

  4. Trailbee, I don't remember you being that short. Get a Moped.

  5. sig94, you got me, you got me ... I started to look up "Upsadaisie" and as I was waiting for the Mac Dictionary to tell me "No entries found" I sounded it our ... Up-sa-daisie ... D'oh!

  6. The moped would be a good idea but we have narrow dirt and blacktop roads in our subdivision, and now that half of the denizens are getting ready to grow pot, they're all in a hurry to get their stuff together, @ 55 in a 25 mile zone. I wouldn't stand a chance.

  7. Trailbee, tack strips for those speeders. We have the same battle on my street. I found some radar apps for my iPhone. I will be documenting and giving it to Placer County.


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** Anonymous, please use a name at the end of your comment. You're all starting to look alike.

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